Advancing Resilient Urban Futures Through Data-Driven Insight

01 — Introduction

"I view the city as a dynamic, ever-evolving environment and believe that forward-thinking, and data-driven approaches can help it thrive. By integrating cutting-edge technology, and fostering collaboration, I strive to design urban spaces that are both resilient and inclusive, ensuring a prosperous and sustainable future for all".

02 — Experience

Over the past few years, I have gained extensive practical and academic experience in urban planning across Israel, with a particular focus on large-scale, nationally oriented projects. My portfolio includes contributions to strategic development plans for the Eastern Galilee and the 'Gateway to Haifa Bay' initiative. Specializing in the design and development of employment zones, I have seen how these areas can serve as catalysts for both urban and economic renewal.

03 — Future

Currently, I am applying the knowledge I’ve gathered to my Ph.D. research, which centers on urban analyses using machine learning. This focus stems from my conviction that understanding and systematically examining the urban environment is the foundation of higher-quality, more quantifiable planning. By blending innovative technologies with comprehensive planning strategies, I aim to create equitable, thriving urban environments that cater to the diverse needs of their inhabitants.